What is available?

Types of Accommodation

For 2025-26 there two categories of rooms that are on offer.

These are:

  • Standard single: £4680 (£130 per week)

  • Small single/ Shared Room: £4140 (£115 per week)

These rates are based on 36 weeks plus 2 weeks free at Christmas when we are closed. There is a small additional charge of £30 to cover all your milk (which we buy to save precious fridge space!) and included in the cost is the Centre Weekend residential.

Most students choose to pay in three instalments, aligned with student loan payments, but it can be paid as a lump sum or over 8 months.

Application Process

February - Current students apply to stay a further year. They are interviewed by the Chaplain, decisions made and places offered.

April - Open Day at Elmwood Avenue and Koinonia House. Students and parents get a chance to look at the accommodation including some of the rooms on offer, meet current students and ask any questions they may have. Applications for new students open after Open Day.

June - The ministry team having read all the applications make decisions on applicants and places are offered before the end of June. There will be a waiting list for those who have not been offered a place initially.

Obviously we are aware that circumstances can change come result day in August, and so if grades have not been achieved or a different university is chosen by those who have been offered a place, there may be places available at that point and those on the waiting list will be contacted and offered a place.

Some of our rooms

What happens here


Each week the students have The Gathering where one of the houses looks after the evening meal for all the others. They gather together for food and conversation, followed by some worship and teaching. This is a valuable time for students to get to know one another but also to worship and pray together.


Staff and students are involved in a number of different outreach opportunities whether it is free lunches for students at Belfast Met or Ulster University, Toasties and Tunes at Queen’s Elms, work with International students or working with the local food bank.. There are lots of ways to be involved with other students or the local community.


There are different ways that worship plays a part within the life of the chaplaincy. It varies from leading worship on Sunday morning at the Church of the Res, to Worship 101 later on a Thursday evening, to the Worship Academy or leading worship at The Gathering or even within your own house. If worship is your heart, then there will be something for you.